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Plastic shipping boxes require choosing the right items

Mar 07,2024
Plastic shipping boxes are often made of materials such as polypropylene or polyethylene, and have advantages such as being lightweight, waterproof, and corrosion-resistant.However, the impact resistance of plastic boxes is poor, which makes them unsuitable for shipping heavier, fragile, and valuable items.
Plastic shipping boxes are widely used in life, especially in the logistics industry.Their main advantage is that they are lightweight and easy to carry and operate. Compared with metal shipping boxes, plastic boxes are lighter, which reduces the burden of carrying items and improves work efficiency. In addition, the plastic material itself is waterproof and can protect the shipped items from moisture and liquid penetration. This is very important for shipping items that are sensitive to moisture.
In addition, plastic shipping boxes also have corrosion resistance. Plastic materials are not easily corroded by chemicals, so they are suitable for shipping corrosive substances. For some special cases, such as shipping chemicals and medicines, using plastic boxes can provide a safe shipping environment and avoid the items from being corroded or polluted.
However, it is precisely because of the poor impact resistance of plastic boxes that they have certain limitations in shipping heavier, fragile, and valuable items.
The poor impact resistance of plastic boxes means that if the box encounters bumps or collisions during shipping, the items in the box are easily damaged. For some fragile and valuable items, especially glass products, ceramic products, and electronic products, the insufficient impact resistance of plastic boxes may cause the items to break or be damaged.
When it is necessary to ship heavier, fragile, and valuable items, it is recommended to choose a more sturdy and impact-resistant material to make the shipping box.Metal boxes, wooden boxes and other materials may be more suitable for carrying these items, providing better protection and support.Plastic shipping boxes have the advantages of being lightweight, waterproof, and corrosion-resistant, and are suitable for many shipping scenarios.
However, due to their poor impact resistance, they are not suitable for shipping heavier, fragile, and valuable items. When choosing a shipping box, you should choose the right material to make the box according to the specific characteristics and requirements of the item to ensure the safety and integrity of the item.